ous worksheets

MARKING THE VOWELS WITH ‘V’ - Phonics on the Web State of Oregon: Oregon Universal Service.
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* If the word ends in a vowel +y the base word doesn't change: delay + ed = delayed and employ + ment = employment * If the word ends in a
ous worksheets
Demonstrative Pronouns Worksheets.
Planning for Rigor ous and Relevan Instruction
Worksheet: Adding suffixes to words.

The Public Utility Commission of Oregon (PUC) is directed to implement a competitively neutral and nondiscriminatory Oregon Universal Service (OUS) fund by ORS 759
Title: MARKING THE VOWELS WITH ‘V’ Author: Kevin Owens Created Date: 3/28/2006 9:50:43 PM
Richard D. Jones Senior Consultant email: rdj@nycap.rr.com IInternational Center for Leadership in Education 1587 Route 146, Rexford, NY 12148 (518) 399 2776
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